Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2024
Generated 04-Oct-2024 01:47 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2024
Total Hits 4744
Total Files 4134
Total Pages 4557
Total Visits 78
Total KBytes 261352
Total Unique Sites 82
Total Unique URLs 90
Total Unique Referrers 34
Total Unique User Agents 96
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 98 211
Hits per Day 2372 2386
Files per Day 2067 2266
Pages per Day 2278 2290
Sites per Day 41 50
Visits per Day 39 41
KBytes per Day 130676 140680
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 87.14% 4134
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.08% 4
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1.71% 81
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.04% 2
Code 404 - Not Found 11.02% 523

Daily usage for September 2024

Daily Statistics for September 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
29 2386 50.30% 2266 54.81% 2290 50.25% 41 52.56% 47 57.32% 120672 46.17%
30 2358 49.70% 1868 45.19% 2267 49.75% 39 50.00% 50 60.98% 140680 53.83%

Hourly usage for September 2024

Hourly Statistics for September 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 85 171 3.60% 82 164 3.97% 79 158 3.47% 6280 12559 4.81%
1 83 167 3.52% 78 157 3.80% 77 155 3.40% 6010 12019 4.60%
2 75 150 3.16% 75 150 3.63% 73 147 3.23% 4564 9127 3.49%
3 78 157 3.31% 78 156 3.77% 77 155 3.40% 4849 9697 3.71%
4 87 175 3.69% 83 167 4.04% 83 167 3.66% 5054 10109 3.87%
5 77 155 3.27% 76 152 3.68% 75 150 3.29% 4687 9374 3.59%
6 84 169 3.56% 81 162 3.92% 82 165 3.62% 4947 9895 3.79%
7 78 157 3.31% 76 153 3.70% 77 154 3.38% 4727 9454 3.62%
8 151 303 6.39% 143 287 6.94% 145 291 6.39% 5821 11643 4.45%
9 83 167 3.52% 80 161 3.89% 81 163 3.58% 4999 9997 3.83%
10 83 167 3.52% 83 167 4.04% 82 165 3.62% 5254 10508 4.02%
11 83 167 3.52% 82 164 3.97% 82 164 3.60% 5073 10147 3.88%
12 78 156 3.29% 77 155 3.75% 76 153 3.36% 6116 12231 4.68%
13 90 180 3.79% 87 174 4.21% 78 157 3.45% 4718 9435 3.61%
14 91 183 3.86% 89 179 4.33% 80 161 3.53% 4989 9978 3.82%
15 88 177 3.73% 86 173 4.18% 85 171 3.75% 5406 10813 4.14%
16 87 174 3.67% 83 166 4.02% 84 169 3.71% 6399 12799 4.90%
17 106 213 4.49% 84 168 4.06% 100 200 4.39% 5172 10344 3.96%
18 141 282 5.94% 88 176 4.26% 136 273 5.99% 5566 11132 4.26%
19 130 261 5.50% 96 192 4.64% 128 256 5.62% 6176 12352 4.73%
20 122 245 5.16% 96 192 4.64% 115 230 5.05% 6281 12562 4.81%
21 145 291 6.13% 100 200 4.84% 142 284 6.23% 6553 13106 5.01%
22 121 243 5.12% 82 164 3.97% 120 240 5.27% 5550 11100 4.25%
23 117 234 4.93% 77 155 3.75% 114 229 5.03% 5486 10972 4.20%

Top 30 of 90 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3869 81.56% 250878 95.99% /webalizer/usage_202409.html
2 129 2.72% 67 0.03% /
3 9 0.19% 180 0.07% /webalizer/
4 4 0.08% 262 0.10% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
5 3 0.06% 296 0.11% /webalizer/usage_202206.html
6 3 0.06% 179 0.07% /webalizer/usage_202306.html
7 3 0.06% 307 0.12% /webalizer/usage_202408.html
8 2 0.04% 5160 1.97% /webalizer/dns_cache.db
9 2 0.04% 127 0.05% /webalizer/usage_202105.html
10 2 0.04% 187 0.07% /webalizer/usage_202106.html
11 2 0.04% 152 0.06% /webalizer/usage_202110.html
12 2 0.04% 206 0.08% /webalizer/usage_202201.html
13 2 0.04% 210 0.08% /webalizer/usage_202204.html
14 2 0.04% 198 0.08% /webalizer/usage_202210.html
15 2 0.04% 193 0.07% /webalizer/usage_202304.html
16 2 0.04% 168 0.06% /webalizer/usage_202305.html
17 1 0.02% 100 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202107.html
18 1 0.02% 109 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202109.html
19 1 0.02% 111 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202111.html
20 1 0.02% 101 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202112.html
21 1 0.02% 92 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202203.html
22 1 0.02% 106 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202207.html
23 1 0.02% 85 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202209.html
24 1 0.02% 82 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202211.html
25 1 0.02% 105 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202212.html
26 1 0.02% 106 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202302.html
27 1 0.02% 103 0.04% /webalizer/usage_202303.html
28 1 0.02% 89 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202307.html
29 1 0.02% 89 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202311.html
30 1 0.02% 88 0.03% /webalizer/usage_202312.html

Top 10 of 90 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3869 81.56% 250878 95.99% /webalizer/usage_202409.html
2 2 0.04% 5160 1.97% /webalizer/dns_cache.db
3 3 0.06% 307 0.12% /webalizer/usage_202408.html
4 3 0.06% 296 0.11% /webalizer/usage_202206.html
5 4 0.08% 262 0.10% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
6 2 0.04% 210 0.08% /webalizer/usage_202204.html
7 2 0.04% 206 0.08% /webalizer/usage_202201.html
8 2 0.04% 198 0.08% /webalizer/usage_202210.html
9 2 0.04% 193 0.07% /webalizer/usage_202304.html
10 2 0.04% 187 0.07% /webalizer/usage_202106.html

Top 10 of 22 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 129 2.72% 15 25.86% /
2 3869 81.56% 13 22.41% /webalizer/usage_202409.html
3 9 0.19% 5 8.62% /webalizer/
4 4 0.08% 3 5.17% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
5 3 0.06% 3 5.17% /webalizer/usage_202408.html
6 3 0.06% 2 3.45% /webalizer/usage_202206.html
7 3 0.06% 2 3.45% /webalizer/usage_202306.html
8 2 0.04% 1 1.72% /webalizer/usage_202105.html
9 2 0.04% 1 1.72% /webalizer/usage_202106.html
10 1 0.02% 1 1.72% /webalizer/usage_202107.html

Top 10 of 21 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 129 2.72% 15 27.27% /
2 3869 81.56% 11 20.00% /webalizer/usage_202409.html
3 9 0.19% 6 10.91% /webalizer/
4 4 0.08% 4 7.27% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
5 3 0.06% 2 3.64% /webalizer/usage_202206.html
6 3 0.06% 2 3.64% /webalizer/usage_202408.html
7 2 0.04% 1 1.82% /webalizer/usage_202105.html
8 2 0.04% 1 1.82% /webalizer/usage_202106.html
9 1 0.02% 1 1.82% /webalizer/usage_202107.html
10 1 0.02% 1 1.82% /webalizer/usage_202109.html

Top 30 of 82 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1432 30.19% 1432 34.64% 95380 36.49% 1 1.28%
2 1365 28.77% 1365 33.02% 90903 34.78% 1 1.28%
3 882 18.59% 882 21.34% 52098 19.93% 2 2.56%
4 426 8.98% 0 0.00% 492 0.19% 2 2.56%
5 184 3.88% 184 4.45% 12002 4.59% 6 7.69%
6 108 2.28% 108 2.61% 77 0.03% 1 1.28%
7 69 1.45% 27 0.65% 586 0.22% 5 6.41%
8 39 0.82% 38 0.92% 290 0.11% 1 1.28%
9 23 0.48% 22 0.53% 1998 0.76% 1 1.28%
10 20 0.42% 1 0.02% 0 0.00% 1 1.28%
11 20 0.42% 1 0.02% 0 0.00% 1 1.28%
12 11 0.23% 8 0.19% 59 0.02% 2 2.56%
13 8 0.17% 2 0.05% 4 0.00% 1 1.28%
14 7 0.15% 3 0.07% 11 0.00% 2 2.56%
15 6 0.13% 0 0.00% 4 0.00% 1 1.28%
16 6 0.13% 2 0.05% 8 0.00% 2 2.56%
17 6 0.13% 4 0.10% 10 0.00% 0 0.00%
18 5 0.11% 1 0.02% 2 0.00% 1 1.28%
19 5 0.11% 3 0.07% 2 0.00% 1 1.28%
20 5 0.11% 3 0.07% 116 0.04% 2 2.56%
21 4 0.08% 1 0.02% 2 0.00% 1 1.28%
22 4 0.08% 4 0.10% 2 0.00% 2 2.56%
23 4 0.08% 1 0.02% 2 0.00% 1 1.28%
24 4 0.08% 4 0.10% 2 0.00% 1 1.28%
25 4 0.08% 2 0.05% 2 0.00% 2 2.56%
26 4 0.08% 4 0.10% 84 0.03% 1 1.28%
27 4 0.08% 0 0.00% 3 0.00% 2 2.56%
28 4 0.08% 2 0.05% 22 0.01% 1 1.28%
29 4 0.08% 4 0.10% 317 0.12% 4 5.13%
30 4 0.08% 2 0.05% 125 0.05% 2 2.56%

Top 10 of 82 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1432 30.19% 1432 34.64% 95380 36.49% 1 1.28%
2 1365 28.77% 1365 33.02% 90903 34.78% 1 1.28%
3 882 18.59% 882 21.34% 52098 19.93% 2 2.56%
4 184 3.88% 184 4.45% 12002 4.59% 6 7.69%
5 2 0.04% 2 0.05% 2680 1.03% 1 1.28%
6 2 0.04% 1 0.02% 2581 0.99% 0 0.00%
7 23 0.48% 22 0.53% 1998 0.76% 1 1.28%
8 69 1.45% 27 0.65% 586 0.22% 5 6.41%
9 426 8.98% 0 0.00% 492 0.19% 2 2.56%
10 4 0.08% 4 0.10% 317 0.12% 4 5.13%

Top 14 of 34 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1431 30.16% https://xn----htbk0aietd.xn--p1ai
2 1365 28.77%
3 882 18.59%
4 393 8.28% - (Direct Request)
5 184 3.88%
6 150 3.16%
7 138 2.91%
8 108 2.28%
9 30 0.63%
10 3 0.06%
11 2 0.04% https://\xe0\xf0\xe5\xed\xe4\xe0-\xef\xe5\xf0\xe5\xe3\xf0\xf3\xe6\xe0\xf2\xe5\xeb\xff.\xf0\xf4
12 2 0.04%
13 2 0.04%
14 2 0.04%

Top 15 of 96 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 287 6.05% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
2 286 6.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
3 285 6.01% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.63 Chrome/124.0.6367.63 Not-A.Brand/99 Safari/537.36
4 281 5.92% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.93 Chrome/124.0.6367.93 Not-A.Brand/99 Safari/537.36
5 272 5.73% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.62 Chrome/124.0.6367.62 Not-A.Brand/99 Safari/537.36
6 265 5.59% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 15.0.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.119 Chrome/124.0.6367.119 Not-A.Brand/99 Safari/537.36
7 264 5.56% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.92 Safari/537.36
8 263 5.54% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.61 Chrome/124.0.6367.61 Not-A.Brand/99 Safari/537.36
9 259 5.46% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.119 Chrome/124.0.6367.119 Not-A.Brand/99 Safari/537.36
10 258 5.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.61 Chrome/124.0.6367.61 Not-A.Brand/99 Safari/537.36
11 250 5.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.78 Chrome/124.0.6367.78 Not-A.Brand/99 Safari/537.36
12 246 5.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 15.0.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.60 Chrome/124.0.6367.60 Not-A.Brand/99 Safari/537.36
13 237 5.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.91 Chrome/124.0.6367.91 Not-A.Brand/99 Safari/537.36
14 233 4.91% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0.0; Win64; x64; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.60 Chrome/124.0.6367.60 Not-A.Brand/99 Safari/537.36
15 107 2.26% Go-http-client/1.1

Usage by Country for September 2024

Top 10 of 10 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2916 61.47% 2835 68.58% 186885 71.51% Unresolved/Unknown
2 885 18.66% 884 21.38% 52277 20.00% Germany
3 614 12.94% 188 4.55% 12497 4.78% Russian Federation
4 129 2.72% 49 1.19% 3949 1.51% Commercial (com)
5 108 2.28% 108 2.61% 77 0.03% China
6 42 0.89% 40 0.97% 2959 1.13% European Union
7 40 0.84% 26 0.63% 2290 0.88% Network (net)
8 5 0.11% 3 0.07% 2 0.00% Czech Republic
9 4 0.08% 4 0.10% 330 0.13% Ecuador
10 1 0.02% 1 0.02% 87 0.03% Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23